The Chemistry Graduate Program (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química - PPGQUIM) is a result of the Department of Chemistry (Departamento de Química - DEQUI) effort, seeking to support the scientific and technological researches' development in this area at UFOP. In this program, which offers both Master and Doctorate degrees, the researches are developed with multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary focus on the materials processing; biologically active substances studies; new inorganic materials synthesis and physical-chemical studies, seeking for its potential of technological application; development of analytical methods used in the industrial residues' identification and quantification, and in the viability study of these residues utilization.
The program is aimed at graduated students or candidates who are enrolled in the last semester of the Chemistry (Bachelor or Teaching degree), Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Physics, Pharmacy undergraduate programs, and others related.
The program’s concentration areas are: 1) Inorganic Chemistry, with Inorganic Synthesis and Catalysis
as its lines of research; 2) Physicochemical, with Materials Chemistry and Chemical Thermodynamics as its lines of research; 3) Analytical Chemistry, with Trace analysis, Environmental Chemistry and Multivariate Data Analysis as its lines of research; and 4) Organic Chemistry, with Chemistry of Biologically Active Substances as its line of research.