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Environmental Engineering

Created in 2000, the Program seeks to integrate the ecological, social, economic, and technological dimensions of the environment, while also promoting an adequate management of any environmental system, searching for a sustainable and balanced development. The graduated professional is able to learn and develop new technologies, work under a critical and creative context while identifying environmental problems, especially considering its political, economic, social, and cultural aspects. Combining the theoretical basis with practical knowledge, the Program enables the professional to move through the several areas of the human knowledge connected with the environment, and also to carry out research works, design and promote solutions which allow the harmonization of the several human activities with the environment and ecosystems.

Career Oportunities

The Environmental Engineer can work in areas of environmental management and planning; impact assessment and environmental licensing of constructions and enterprises; control of domestic and industrial waste emission in the environment; assessment and recovery of degraded and contaminated areas; environmental auditions and expertise; etc. Moreover, they can work with research and technological development in institutions of education and research.