UFOP’s Journalism program deals with reflecting and working in three parts of the journalistic process: ethical, technical, and esthetical. The use of laboratories, intense production, participation in events, research, and extension activities contribute to the constant realization of the practical exercise. The student may accomplish integration activities with other periods, such as to complement their formation with other knowledge areas. Extracurricular activities in events of Ouro Preto and Mariana, for example the Winter Festival and the Letter Forum allow a wide range of experiences in journalistic coverage.
Besides working in traditional vehicles, such as printed journals, magazines, radio stations, and television, the journalist may work in enterprising and community organizations, press accessories, events production, and websites. The media convergences gave a new actuation area to the professionals in alternative environments, such as blogs. In the academic scenario, the research quality associated with the methodological rigor gives the area a big potential.