The Law Program was founded in 1994. It seeks to train professionals capable of analyzing disputes and conflicts involving citizens, companies, and the public administration, based on the Constitution and laws. The UFOP Law Program won awards from the Brazilian Lawyers’ Association (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil - OAB), through the granting of the OAB Seal, respectively, in its 2nd (triennium 2004-2007), 3rd (triennium 2007-2010) and 4th (triennium 2010-2013) editions. The training operates in three strands: (a) Fundamental courses, (b) Dogmatic courses, and (c) Practical courses, which aim to enable the student to solve the problems and deal with issues that surround the professional on a daily basis. The program embeds the Juridical Practice Core (Núcleo de Prática Jurídica - NPJ), an extension program which houses Ouro Preto’s Juridical Assistance Core (Núcleo de Assistência Jurídica de Ouro Preto - Najop), whose objective is to be a model office.
The Program enables the Law Bachelor to work in all activities related to juridical careers, such as an attorney, head of police, judge, and prosecutor. The graduate will also be able to work as a lawyer and teach it in higher education.