The Mechanical Engineering Graduate Program (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica – PROPEM) offers an innovative education on the scientific and technological approaches on the subjects, offering the community a Master program that enables the formation of human resources to the scholar, scientific, and industrial work, contemplating the development of research and new technologies to be applied.
The concentration areas are: 1) Thermal and Fluids, with the line of research inTransport Phenomena and Energy and 2) Materials and Manufacturing Processes, which has two lines of research: 2.1) Characterization of Materials; and 2.2) Manufacturing Processes - Machining.
This education gives the students a large view over the theme, allowing them: to understand and develop research and modeling techniques of thermal fluid dynamic systems and their energetical transformations; to carry out applied studies and research on energetic systems, processes and equipments found in industrial installations; carry out applied studies and research on heat transfer and fluid mechanics applied in the mining and metallurgy industry; to model and carry out experimental and numerical research on processes, energetic and energy storing systems; and to understand the methods and computational simulation tools, the theories and tools to analyze equipment’s life cycle, and the manufacturing and characterizing of materials processes.