The Mining Engineering Program began in 1875, and it was the first in its field established in the country with specific courses for operations in the research and extraction of mineral resources from nature and in the separation of useful raw materials from the useless ones. The mining engineer works in the area of mineral technology, from the prospection (mineral deposits research), mining (ore extraction) to the beneficiation (processing, separation, and concentration of the extracted material). It’s the engineer’s responsibility to evaluate economically and technically the mining enterprise, analyze the worker’s health and security risks, besides the impacts in the utilized space during the project’s execution.
The students have an Excellency Geotechnical Center, besides enjoying the partnerships with companies of the area which give financial support to research and extension projects, straighten the relationship between students and the labor market, capacitating them to work in all fields of mining.
The mining engineer may work in mining companies, quarries, road constructors, hydroelectric, demolition companies, and mining software companies. They work with the latest technologies, industrial products recycling, and deposit prospection. Another Graduates' Job Position is the research and teaching centers.