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UFOP stands out and is among the top 100 Universities in Latin America ranking

The Latin American section from the Ranking Web of Universities, which assesses the impact of universities on the digital environment, reveals prominence of public universities in Latin America, especially Brazilian institutions. The survey was carried out  in January, 2023.
UFOP is ranked 95th in the overall ranking and 39th among Brazilian universities and it is in a sixth remarkable position among the institutions from the state of Minas Gerais."
The director of the International Relations in UFOP (diretor de Relações Internacionais, DRI), Anderson Gamarano, warns that "in spite of the numerous challenges faced by UFOP, as well  as public universities in recent years, its position in the Ranking Web of Universities reflects our strong commitment to public, tuition-free and quality education, despite so many adversities. At the same time, this position shows us that UFOP needs to reevaluate its ranking participation strategy, since the assessment methods do not fully take into account our particularities is not always prepared for our particularities."

NATIONAL SCENARIO – Brazil has 42 positions among the 100 most prominent universities in Latin America. Brazilian public universities stand out with 85.7% of the highest-profile institutions on the Web,from which 32 are federal and four state-level.

The Vice-rector of UFOP, professor Hermínio Nalini, points out that "Brazilian federal universities represent a public policy of great importance. Their impact on teaching, research and extension means that they have social insertion at various levels."

LATIN AMERICA – In addition to Brazil, with 42 universities in the ranking, Chile and Mexico also stand out, with 15 institutions each; Colombia with nine; Argentina with six; and Ecuador with four.
The survey on the projection of universities is done twice a year by cybermetrics lab, Spain's main research body, linked to the Spanish National Research Council (Conselho Superior de Investigações Científicas - CSIC).

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