Ecology of Tropical Biomes Graduate Program (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia de Biomas Tropicais), which is linked to the Department of Biodiversity, Evolution, and Environment (Departamento de Biodiversidade, Evolução e Meio Ambiente - DEBIO), has the goal of promoting the integration of methodologies that came from different courses in order to create new knowledge about the eco‐evolutionary dynamics, connecting complexes interfaces among the ecology, geology, genetics, ecophysiology processes, and functional biodiversity.
To construct this area of knowledge, it is necessary to study vulnerable habitats and adverse and/or extreme surroundings, that should be contextualized in their biomes. Currently, most of the researches are focused on typical biomes from the Minas Gerais state montane transition zones, Brazilian coast and Antarctica's marine ecosystems, the Brazilian Central Plateau's Cerrado, and tropical rain forests from the Neotropical region (Panama, Amazon, and Atlantic Forest). Currently, the program concentration area is Evolution and Functioning of Ecosystems, and its lines of research are: 1) Evolutionary and Population Ecology and 2) Communities and Ecosystem Functionality.