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The History Graduate Program (Programa de Pós-Graduação em História - PPGHIS) was approved by CAPES in November 2009. The program aims to: contribute to a better qualification of human resources in the Humanity and Social Sciences field; to train teachers to work in higher education and in public and private institutions connected to research and  memory; to deepen professional and academic knowledge, enabling the development of the ability to perform historical research; to help implementing public policies related to research areas and to the preservation of historical and cultural heritage; to improve undergraduate education through a qualified training of the faculty and the research encouragement; to disseminate academic research that was produced within the specific scope of the graduate program, as well as the ones produced in other research centers in Brazil or abroad; and to constitute itself as a space for the gathering of researchers - Brazilians and foreigners. PPGHIS offers both Master and Doctorate degrees and its  concentration area is Power and Languages with the following lines of research: 1) Power, Space, and Society; 2) Ideas, Languages, ​​and Historiography; and 3) Power, Languages, ​​and Institutions.

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