The program aims to train historians able to work in teaching and research and also in the many interfaces between them. Looking to the consolidation of an excellent undergraduate program, capacitating the student not only to comprehend History, but also to produce it. With 30 years of tradition in the training of historians, the programs allows the students contact with teaching and research activities already in the beginning of its training and counts on a prime infrastructure: one historical archive, three magazines, research cores, internships, a library in expansion, and the privilege of being in a city that is a world reference in historical heritage.
50 vacancies are offered for the teaching program degree and 50 for the bachelor modality.
The professional of History finds today a job market even more open and consolidated. Besides classrooms, the knowledge of a historian is required in research and consultation, archive collections organization, libraries and museums (public or private), historical exposition events organization, writing and reviewing of magazines and periodicals of wide circulation, among several other activities.