UFOP’s Nutrition program started in 1979. The courses seek the generalist, humanistic, and critical training, which results in a professional capacitated to work in all areas of knowledge in which feeding and nutrition are fundamental to the maintenance and recovery of health. The supervised internships in Collective Health, Clinic, and Administration of Feeding Services are held in the last semester in several companies and public institutions, through associations with the University ideally to prepare the student for the labor market.
The School of Nutrition (Escola de Nutrição - ENUT) houses a Collaborating Center for School of Feeding and Nutrition (Centro Colaborador em Alimentação e Nutrição do Escolar - CECANE), through a partnership between UFOP and the National Fund for Education Development (Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação - FNDE) and the Ministry of Education.
The nutritionist is prepared to plan, manage, and coordinate programs and services of feeding and nutrition in companies, hospitals, clinics, schools, nursing homes, SPAs, among others. It’s also their function to monitor and guarantee quality in storage, preparation, and distribution of foods and meals, such as optimizing the processes' costs. In clinical treatments, the professional evaluates the nutritional state and the specific needs of each patient, considering the clinical situation, to prescribe the adequate diet for their rehabilitation.