The Professional Master’s in Science Teaching aims to develop the performances of Physics, Chemistry and Biology teachers, who work in the different school levels, based on the articulation of experience, knowledge, pedagogic action, and investigation. Thus, the program promotes the broadening of scientific and technological knowledge, the deepening of the teaching knowledge, the training to develop research and educational products to teaching science and the development of autonomy and reflection of teaching practices.
The concentration areas and their respective lines of research are: (1) Biology Teaching, with the lines a) Training of sciences, biology, environmental education and health education teachers; and b) Teaching-learning and development of teaching resources to sciences, biology, environmental education and health education to formal and non-formal education spaces. (2) Physics Teaching, with the lines a) Physics teachers education; b) Physics teaching-learning; and c) Culture, Epistemology, and History on Physics Education. And (3) Chemistry Teaching, with the line Teacher training and Chemistry teaching and learning processes.