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Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering had its new Master’s degree approved

The academic project for a master's degree in the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering of Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP) was evaluated by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). The project resulted from a partnership between UFOP and Federal University of Itajubá (Unifei), and is the first on this format to be approved. This is the first graduate program offered exclusively in the Institute of Exact and Applied Sciences (ICEA) in João Monlevade, which also includes the Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering, offered in a multicampus proposal in conjunction with the School of Mines of UFOP, in Ouro Preto.


The new master’s degree has only one area of concentration, “Electrical and Electronic Systems”, which has two research lines: “Smart Grids and Renewable Energy” and “Systems and Control”. For the Program implementation, there will be necessary agreement between institutions and the final guidelines from Capes. Then, it will be defined a deadline for launching  the first selection public notice.

The program planning  began in 2019, at a research seminary that took place in Icea and Campus Theodomiro Carneiro Santiago of Unifei, in Itabira. The initiative came from the professors Wilingthon Guerra Zvietcovich, from Icea, and Aurélio Luiz Magalhães Coelho, from Unifei`s Institute of Science and Technology (ICT).

After creating the Program, a protocol of intentions was established through a document presenting the proposal to the new course assessment by Capes. The plan still needed to be approved by the Councils of both institutions and, finally, be submitted to Capes guidelines in 2022.

Wilingthon highlighted the importance of the  approval of the program to the  Institute: “This program will not only  help ICEA achieve its objectives, such as the pursuit of academic excellence, development of advanced research, greater scientific production and greater attractiveness to students, professionals and professors, but also provide sources of funding”. The professor also explains that the Program will attract attention outside the university, meaning “it will meet the demand of the area concerning extension activities in the Master`s program in Electrical Engineering, coming from public and private sectors”.

The pro-rectory by the Research, Graduate Studies and Innovation, Renata Guerra de Sá Cota, showed  enthusiasm for the approval and highlighted that it is “a conquest which strengthens our area and contributes to scientific and technological development”. She also emphasizes the contribution to the community: “The importance of this program goes beyond academic formation. Through the research and production of knowledge, we seek to boost regional development, promoting the innovation and the technological advance in our communities”.

According to the director of Icea, Thiago Augusto de Oliveira Silva, the Program implementation will work as “a strong growth,  very important to consolidate the campus as part of the university, in other words, to integrate more consistently the teaching, research and extension tripod”, as well as “stimulate research in the institute, approach companies and effectively increase of the local research productivity”.