Professors Alissandra Nazareth de Carvalho e Carolina Lescura de Carvalho Castro Volta, from UFOP’s Graduate Program in Tourism and Heritage, presented the article “Creative Economy in Small Territories: a Study about Ouro Preto District”, in Atlas Annual Conference 2024 - Leisure & Tourism 2030: Navigating the Future, which happened in June, in Brenda (The Netherlands). The event brought together researchers from various countries in presentations of works, panels, conferences and workshops.
The article presented is a result of the project “Plano de Desenvolvimento da Economia Criativa — Ouro Preto e Distritos”, which carried out a diagnosis with local producers and actors related to the creative economy, proposing actions methodologies aiming to the creative tourism development and also seeking launch Ouro Preto as Unesco Creative City of Crafts and Folk Arts. The research uses techniques such as Grupo Focal, in which the participants report their challenges, expectations, and necessities, and discuss how each one can contribute, making the Plan truly representative and collective.
The project, which is linked to the UNESCO Chair in Creative Economy and Public Policy, is developed through a partnership between the professors Alissandra and Carolina (from UFOP), Prof. Magnus Emmendoerfer (from Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV), as well as other representatives from other universities from Minas Gerais State, such as Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC-Minas) and Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (Unimontes), and also from other various Brazilian and international institutions. The initiative was funded by Minas Gerais Research Foundation (Fapemig) through the project “Creative Economy, business vulnerability and governance of Public Policies for Tourism”, coordinated by Prof. Pablo de Paula Peron (Unimontes), and also by The Secretariat for Economic Development and by Ouro Preto's Creative Economy Department.